Tuesday, December 15, 2009

down down down

I'm having a very hard time explaining to myself why I'm so down about the adoption process. Is it the holidays? I don't think it is - I'm pretty excited about Christmas. Is it just the fact that we're coming up on the 1 year anniversary of deciding to adopt? Who knows, but I am definitely down about it. Don't get me wrong - I am SOOO thankful for my family, and especially for little Gabe, believe me. But we are so ready for that baby! The nursery is done, bottles are sterilized, crib is put together, the carseat is out and cleaned, and we even got a bigger car! I don't know what else I'm supposed to get ready! I know it's all in God's timing, but it's confusing me. I was so sure that God wanted us to adopt, now I'm thinking maybe we should just try to get pregnant one more time. We'd probably complete our family faster that way - but I have absolutely no desire to go that route again. none. errrg

Is this really what God wants? If this is what He wants..... why isn't it happening? How am I supposed to cheer up about it? and who is going to answer all these questions?


  1. God has the baby for you, maybe s/he isn't even born yet (I know, easier said than done, right?) I'm praying for you during this blessed season! Hang in there!!! May I ask what your open to? I just found out about an AA woman wanting to place, not sure if she's having a boy or girl yet, but I believe she lives in NW Ohio...

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. Tell your little one happy birthday for us!
    My mom and dad live in NW Ohio now. We are in SE Ohio. We are open to any color, or sex. We're trying not to limit our blessing! It's just skin, so if she's cool with it, so are we. We have an online profile if she wants to check it out. I don't think I put any contact info on it though- I'll fix that in a second. It's
    We just got back from Gabe's little preschool Christmas program (our first one ever as parents!) It was a lot of fun and definitely lifted my spirits.
