Friday, January 14, 2011



So, I've been precepting our new respiratory therapist, Doug, at work. He said he tries not to eat any processed food, and I thought to myself, "well that's a little odd, but to each his own." Over the course of conversation I asked him what helped make his decision to eat this way and he said he watched a documentary called FoodInc on Netflix. He strongly encouraged me to watch it too. He mentioned it a couple times, so I watched it. I like documentaries in general, so I figured it would at least be interesting. I'd like to say................ thank you Doug for scaring the ever-living crap out of me about the food my children are eating.

Big changes coming for our house. We definitely eat on a budget, but I will also be exercising my right to be choosy. This family is the most important thing in the world to me, so what they're eating is, by default, also going to have to be important to me.

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